Our Mission
Live events lay at the cornerstone of our mission to enact change. In our daily lives, we’re surrounded by individuals who don’t share our beliefs. That’s why fellowship with like-minded individuals is paramount to the success of our plan to alter the course of our communities, our nation, and ultimately the entire world, for the better.
We recognize the harmful divide-and-conquer tactics implemented by the powers that be, and we endeavor to remind our brothers and sisters of this planet that we are but one human family. Treating others with kindness, respect, and an attitude of non-intervention (“live and let live”) is just as important in our individual lives as it is on a macro scale between nations.
As Samuel Adams famously exclaimed, “It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” How do we restore our freedoms? Peaceful non-compliance. On an individual level, non-compliance with unconstitutional and unlawful dictates is not only our right, but our duty, as American citizens.